Math for School

In this course, you will get acquainted with some in-depth algebra/geometry foundations laced with basic knowledge in probabilities/real-life situation problems. The course will give you an understanding of complex mathematics provided in an easy-to-understand manner with a guarantee of success in the end.

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Artyom Geghamyan
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10 per Hour/Class
10 Weeks
2 Class per Week
Ages No limit
2 - 5 Learners per Class


15 per Hour/Class
Flexible Duration
2 Class per Week
Ages No limit
1 Learner per Class
Topics to be covered:

1. Real numbers
2. Equations
3. Linear Functions
4. Polynomials
5. Percents
6. Compare and Order Rational Numbers
7. Basics of Geometry (angles, lines, shapes)
8. Triangles
9. Quadrilaterals
10. Circles
11. Surface Areas and Volumes
12. Probability
13. Sequences & Series

Math is the building block for everything in our daily lives, it’s all around us and I would love to get the chance to teach you as much as I can about it. The classes will be held in a unique way and will include visual representations of absolutely everything. I’ll personally go to any length to make the experience memorable and attention-drawing.
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